Thursday, January 31, 2013

Coffee Talk/Debate Night

Coffee Talk this week was debate. As usual, I put the program in the hands of the students. They decided that the topic would be Cell Phones Should be Banned on the University Campus. To be honest, it started out a bit on the boring side. The law students wanted to have a "real" debate, but the rest of us wanted to have fun! Thankfully, things got more interesting when we broke the rules and started going off task. The "against" students claimed that they needed cell phones in case they wanted to meet their girlfriends. "How can I kiss my girlfriend if I can't find her?" Another student claimed that sex was the 4th basic need of human beings. The opposing team claimed that since they are students and depend on their families for income, they should be studying instead of spending time and money on girlfriends and cell phone. Things got hot after that as students became more animated and, of course, started to speak English!

1 comment:

  1. That is great!
    Lol, things are the same the world over!
    It's bitterly cold here -12 f. You are not missing it


The Countryside

The Countryside
A shepard in the countryside plays the washint (flute) to pass the time.